All of the people around these islands are families on vacations. Here we are, 4 of us of similar age and eager to sightsee, and I recently found myself wishing I too were on a family vacation. Traveling with friends is great, but as we get older, family trips are fewer and farther between, and their tone is changing. I yearn for the good old days.
On family trips, there was a lot of bonding involved and it’s okay to get annoyed with one another. "I don't want to go to the 30 millionth museum in Paris, I don't care if they're giving away the Mona Lisa! " "Okay kids, run up and check if they have a vacancy for the 20th time." "They have Gucci in the states, get back in the car!"
Family vacations were tornado-like tours of every historical, topographical, cultural and aesthetically pleasing site within a 1000-mile radius of each hotel or tent, each day. Guidebooks were sometimes involved, but there was a lot of behind-the-scenes planning by the 'rents. "We'll tell them it's a short hike, throw on the Barbara Streisand, drive into the Alps and before they know it, we'll all be climbing up vertical caves deep in the heart of Switzerland. … I don’t think we’ll hear the whining in the caves."
Every re-occurring trip was pumped to the max. “Ashley, want to wake up at 5 and get in 10 miles before breakfast so we can water-ski before lunch (sail if it’s windy, read if it’s raining)?” “This family makes first tracks and is last on the lift.” It was good to pack all that in there. Now I realize how precious vacation time is and how much there is to see and do.
Ahh well, someday I can englighten my own family. Today was a beautiful day on Saba Rock. Families are all around. They build memories and annoy one another while sailing aboard chartered chariots of holiday cheer. “Honey, pull in the gosh darn jib. Timmy, what did I say about handstands on the lifelines! Dakota, tell your new friend Dakota to go back to her own family and leave the Cheezits here. Randy! For the last time, if you play with the gaff, somebody is going to lose an eye.”
Yikes, this kind of reminds me of my own crew. Oh crew, I guess you’re family. But seriously, no Barbara Streisand.