It started out incredibly hopeful, as you can see from the picture on the left of my negotiations with their chief, Shellakattack. It was a very serious operation, as you can see from the picture on the right (also known as the 5th documented photo of me not smiling ever).
I started to get excited.
"Yes! Yes!" I said (in tortoise). "and they can stay at my place, and I´ll make them a GREAT nest, and take them to the Shedd absolutely whenever, and we can go for walks in Lincoln Park, and oh, no, no, I would never put them on a leash, never. and when we get to O´Hare, maybe one of them would let me ride him through customs..." I trailed off.
Well anyway, I don´t really want to relive this conversation. We left on great terms, exchanging Skype info on his suggestion. It just didn´t make sense to send anybody to Chicago, he explained. They needed their entire breeding population on home soil, he said.