Saturday, April 7, 2007
It´s been awhile, hasn´t it, my dear website?
Let´s start at the very beginning, a very good place to start.
After Panama, we did a bit of sailing.
Somewhere in there we crossed the equator. It was a fancy affair. With King Neptune presiding, we became Shellbacks instead of Pollywogs, according to sailing lore. (It is plainly better to be more turtle-like than wog-like). This involved initiation into The Solemn Mysteries of the Ancient Order of the Deep. I could explain more, but we´d have to be on a boat in the middle of the ocean and I´d have to paint your face with ground-up squid and make you do a cajun walz while in a hand-stand, while spinning a beret with llamas on it on your left foot, while bouncing a rubber ball with your chin and singing, "Sunshine Superman" after inhaling helium from a balloon that you fabricated and filled using only pork products. The choice is yours, but I´d recommend getting some experience before putting yourself out there. Luckily for us, no one aboard had crossed the ecuator before, so there were no unpleasant initiation rituals.
Along the passage to Ecuador, I bid farewell to my evil watch. He was buried at sea in the SS Beep, a paper boat of the shoddiest construction. In the watch´s manual, an alarm isn´t even mentioned, but I assure you one existed. That thing would go off at completely random times during the day and not shut up for many long minutes. Then it would start up again and go off once or twice, then stop and resume ten minutes later. More than likely it had some salt water in its innards, but I´d rather just say it was evil through and through. From its cheap black rubber band to its smug blue face, the thing sustained itself on the breath of my sighs and the scent of my pain ... when it wasn´t just sitting at the bottom of my locker.
After those two momentous events, and a lot of movement over water, we arrived safely and soundly in Salinas, Ecuador.